Contact Us

Most of the day-to-day operations are conducted in Washington state by Find A Groomer Inc. a subsidiary of Park A Pet Inc. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm PACIFIC STANDARD TIME. That time zone is 3 hours earlier than Eastern. You may leave a message and we will return your call.

Find A Groomer Inc.
PO Box 2489
Yelm, WA 98597

Office: 360-446-5348
Fax: 360-446-5234
Credit Card Orders: 1-800-556-5131



Photos, Art, Articles and Press Release Submissions

For years hundreds of persons have submitted articles, pictures and more to

Photographs: You can submit photos for our galleries including the Mobile Grooming Gallery, Friends Gallery, Before & After Grooming (not contest) or Miracle Pet Makeover Contests or other contests when active. We also accept other pictures for Groomer Giggles. Did you know as a member of the GroomerTALK Message Board you can submit photos every day with your messages? A copyright notice with your name or business name will be provided. See disclaimer below. You may email or post mail your photographs. If you are an artist with enough graphics to support an online exhibit here, such as our Ren Netherland Gallery or A Day in a Pet Grooming School galleries, please submit your proposal for a showing of your work.

GroomWise Blogs: We do offer free GroomWise Blogs, see

Press Releases: If you are a retailer, wholesaler, manufacturer or service provider serving the pet grooming industry, you may submit press releases on your latest service and/or product developments and announcements. We encourage you to send one JPG photo of products. We publish press releases on the GroomerTALK Message Board. We give priority to our classified and banner sponsors. Resources Directory: Your company SERVING AND SELLING TO GROOMERS (not pet owners) can be listed in our Resources Directory at no charge. Look for a link in the lower left column of every page of the Resources Directory. Click here to see the Resources Directory.

Contests: Each year we have one or more contests for cash and prizes. Please check-in at GroomerTALK Message Board for current contest info. The submission process varies for each contest.

Find A Groomer Directory for Pet Owners: If you are a grooming business owner or authorized MANAGER, you may list your business in our directory. You setup a free account and manage it with a password year round. Go to and click the ADD LISTING link near the “Bichons” photo on every page.