The pet grooming industry’s reputation for resilience against economic downturns is holding true for the majority of pet groomers. We publish thousands of help wanted ads in Classified Ads every year. In our community over 20,000 registered members at GroomerTALKâ (and many times that number in guests) research, find grooming schools, home study, pet food ingredients, manufacturers, pet supplies, books, DVDs, trade shows and share laughs. With over 53 years of field experience our goal is to provide a broad foundation of grooming industry knowledge and unlimited resources to learn more. Whether you groom in pet stores, salons, shops, homes or state-of-the-art mobile grooming vehicles we all share the love of pets and style.
Enjoy and participate as we lift the professional recognition of the pet grooming industry to new levels! Plan to come back often. Since 1997 something new has been published every day. Join over 21,000 subscribers and read our free eMagazine for pros, eGroomer Journal. Be sure to follow us on Twitter to get the latest updates.
Awards & Nominations for

Awarded to
Cardinal Laboratories Crystal Grooming Achievement Award 2000
Cardinal Laboratories Crystal Grooming Achievement Award 2004